Phoebus Focus XVIII
Who was Elisabeth Jordaens? When did her father, the famous painter Jacob Jordaens, portray her and why does she look like a peasant woman? In this 'Phoebus Focus' edition, Leen Kelchtermans investigates the context behind the blushing portrait of Elisabeth Jordaens in the collection of The Phoebus Foundation.
Leen Kelchtermans (b. 1986) studied art history at KU Leuven and completed a research master’s in art studies at the University of Amsterdam. Her predoctoral dissertation for the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) focused on the topographical battle scenes of the seventeenth-century Brussels painter Peter Snayers. In this first oeuvre study, she applied contextual and cross-disciplinary research methods to explore the layers of meaning in early modern war paintings. Her doctorate was awarded the Erik Duverger Prize by the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium. Kelchtermans subsequently worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Leuven University. She is currently active as an art-historical researcher at The Phoebus Foundation, where she immerses herself (and basks) in the extensive and outstanding collection of Baroque masters. She also presents papers at national and international conferences, and publishes in national and international books and journals.
- 21 x 14,8 cm
- 104 pages
- Softcover
- Quadrichromy
- English edition
- ISBN 978 90 8274 675 4